2021-2022 Leve Scholars

The first year of the Leve Project Scholarship Program was an absolute success. A week after the last day of exams, the 27 students who participated in the scholarship program returned to school for a brief meet up and discussion.

Leve Scholars 2022

How did the scholarship program impact the lives of the students?

  • Each student had perfect attendance. Without the stress of worrying about paying for school fees, students were able to focus more on their studies and pass final exams.

  • The parents of the students expressed lots of joy and an immediate sense of relief. They were happy to know that their children would be able to attend school for at least one more year.

  • The students reported the families used the extra money for food and shelter.

  • Additionally, parents were able to afford to pay school fees for siblings. They were also able to afford higher quality school supplies.


If you could invest one million dollars into any industry in Haiti, which one would you invest in first?


The responses were dynamic. These high school students are the future of Haiti and were very passionate about this discussion. As they sat and thought carefully, one of our scholars proudly began the conversation by highlighting the deforestation of the island and the pivotal impact of an undernourished agriculture system. The heart of the people reside in food stability, which is oftentimes the biggest insecurity for the nation. It was at this time, a few of the scholars admitted that though they came to school everyday, they did not have a meal everyday.

One of the biggest disappointments expressed by the cohort was how there was noticeably a steady decline in the availability of food and the issues with the agriculture system, especially when resolutions are readily available. A few students stood up to mention that they remember certain crops that were abundant in their childhoods, and how they are no longer available or grown today.

The students were adamant about investing in a sustainable and efficient system of agriculture to combat the food insecurity. They have land, water, seeds, and the will. However, the money mixed with a few unforeseen political barriers continue to plague the citizens.

If the students could invest one million dollars into any industry in Haiti that would have a positive impact on their lives immediately, it would be in agriculture.

Side note, a few students mentioned education as a second option only in due fact that if education was free in Haiti, there are still some people who wouldn’t take advantage because they simply aren’t interested in school.

The Leve Project

A nonprofit 501c3 organization dedicated to providing access to basic education and business literacy to students in Haiti.


Quick Facts About School and Education in Haiti


L’ecole Daniel Petite - Frere 2021-2022