


What is the purpose of The Leve Project?

The Leve Project is an organization that was created to help advance education in Haiti. We will provide students with scholarships, schools with grants, and the Haitian community with free educational courses and resources.

How long has the organization been involved with Haiti?

The Leve Project began in 2019 and began funding students in 2021.

Is the organization tax exempt?

Yes, The Leve Project is registered in the United States and has 501(c)3 status. All of your donations are tax exempt.

What part of Haiti do you work in and what about the other departments?

Our first major school project is in Cap Haitien. We focused on this department due to ease of transportation and security. We will consider expanding to other departments as our organization grows.

Where can I find information about volunteering or becoming a member?

Please send us an email to




How does The Leve Project operate to carry out its mission?

The Leve Project gathers information from eligible schools in Haiti about their financial needs and student enrollment. We fundraise for the school and provide scholarships for a number of students or a one time grant for the school year to help with annual costs.

How do you choose the schools you help ?

The Leve Project has a very structured and meticulous routine for vetting schools and students. We hold interviews with the school director where they provide information about the school’s inception, financial and academic history. Following the evaluation, we also research the local neighborhood and economy of the school. This usually includes an unannounced visit from team members in Haiti or from the US. Depending on the results of our research, we can offer the school a number of scholarships or a one time grant.

How do you choose scholarship recipients?

The Leve Project chooses recipients based on merit and financial need. Specifically, we connect with the student’s school director for more information. We give special consideration to students who are orphans, restaveks, come from a single parent home, and who are in secondary school.

What does your organization do with the donations?

With the donations, we create a budget and balance sheet to figure out where the financial aid is needed most. We then provide schools and students with a financial award letter and structure payments to be disbursed over the course of the school year.

How does your organization ensure the donations are used for education in Haiti?

The Leve Project takes rather strict measures to ensure that the donations support the cause. First, our vetting process is very thorough. Next, we do not send money to Haiti through transfers. After we’ve received the school’s official budget including balance sheet, operational costs and salary information, we visit during the school year. The school’s director receives all of the money in hand and is required to provide detailed receipts. We also give the money in installments, with conditions in place. Lastly, we keep detailed records and measure success. If a school does not meet a condition or fails to uphold a set standard of integrity, they will be ineligible to continue receiving financial support.