The Leve Project Scholarship Program

The purpose of The Leve Project is to help provide access to education for Haitian students through scholarships.

Why Did We Begin A Scholarship and Grant Program?

The Leve Project began as a business literacy program that would provide free resources to high school students who were interested in pursuing entrepreneurship. While visiting schools to encourage the summer intensive courses, we noticed many of the schools were empty for the first few months. The families could not afford to send students to school which inevitably contributes to the high national drop out rate.

As an incentive, we introduced a scholarship program. In exchange for attendance and completion of our business intensive program, we would offer partial or full scholarships for each student. Additionally, we can provide grants based on need to help support one specific educational need of the student or the institution.

The First Year of Scholarship Recipients from L’Ecole Daniel Petit-Freres

Scholarship Program

Partial or Full Financial assistance for academic school fees.

Each student who is enrolled must demonstrate financial need and meet academic guidelines and criteria to remain eligible. Based on availability, each student will have the opportunity to renew their academic scholarship for the following year until they successfully graduate from high school.

All monetary awards are donated directly to the school directors and accountants. Scholarships are available based on budget and student needs.

How Do We Select Students For Our Scholarship Program?

Haiti has over 15,000 schools in operation, but only 1% of students will complete high school. After doing some research, we’ve discovered the greatest area of need and decided to start small.

We work with students who are close to completing a full education; students who are in secondary school. The fees for older students are generally more expensive than previous years, we found that financial assistance during this time would yield greater results.

The Leve Project was created to help the most underserved students in Haiti. We put special consideration towards applicants who are orphans, restavek (indentured servants) or come from single parent homes as they typically have the greatest financial need.

To apply for The Leve Project Scholarship, students must :

  • Be living in one of the departments in Haiti

  • A student entering grades Secondary I, Secondary II, Reto or Philo

  • Be registered at a private school in Haiti

  • Must demonstrate financial need

  • Must fill out at an application

Apply For A Scholarship

Please fill out the contact form below with subject “Scholarship”. Include where you are from in Haiti, grade level, school name, and contact information for your school director.