Quick Facts About School and Education in Haiti

  • Haiti has a 61% literacy rate.

  • Almost 90% of all schools are private. They are owned by local churches, for profit organizations, and NGOs.

  • Private schools in Haiti do not receive funding from the Ministry of Education. Income for the school come from charging students school fees.

  • Families are responsible for paying school fees, required uniforms, shoes, textbooks, school supplies, lunch and transportation.

  • The education system is in French, which only 10% of the Haitian population have fluency and use the language every day.

  • Around 85% of children in Haiti will enroll in kindergarten. 67% of children drop out before 9th grade. Only around 27% of all students make it to secondary / high school.

  • Only 1% of children in Haiti will graduate from high school.


  • Teachers are paid an average of $1.86 US dollars an hour.

  • There is a shortage of teachers and they often do not receive adequate training to qualify them as teachers.

  • A percentage of teachers did not finish high school or attend college themselves. They rely on the direction and teachings of the school to teach students

The Leve Project

A nonprofit 501c3 organization dedicated to providing access to basic education and business literacy to students in Haiti.


2021-2022 Leve Scholars