Grant Program

Grant Program

Based on availability, The Leve project provides grant opportunities to provide schools with partial assistance in an area of demonstrated need for their school students. We are able to offer:

Back to School Supply Grant - this grant was created to help families offset the cost of school necessities such as bookbags, writing utensils, notebooks, calculators and other math instruments.

Textbook Grant - Aside from school fees, textbooks are required and can cause an additional barrier as inability to afford textbooks usually results in the inability to properly study and retain course materials. This grant is provided to the school to mass produce required textbooks at an affordable rate for students to borrow or keep.

Food Grant - research has shown that students who have breakfast perform better in school. This grant goes towards providing a small breakfast or lunch opportunity for current registered students.

Uniform Assistance Grant -All private schools in Haiti require students to wear a certain uniform with appropriate school shoes and socks. This grant is available for students who need financial assistance with affording a clean properly fitting uniform for the current school year.

Teacher’s Grant - One of the most important and demanding components of the education sector in Haiti is the availability of teachers. This financial assistance is a one time grant provided for the school year to assist with the cost of educating teachers and providing salaries.

Building Fund Grant - The cost of building maintenance typically falls on the responsibility of the director and the support of school fees. To provide a more reliable, comfortable and safe school environment, the building grant provides

Schools in Haiti rely on school fees to pay for their facilities. We provide one time grants to help schools remain in operation.

To apply for a grant for you school, please fill out this contact form with the name of the school, the director’s contact information, and which grant you would like to apply for.