Tournee INIKK (Inisiyativ Kore Kodonye) October 2021

Fè biznis mande anpil prensip si w vle grandi.

Atizan kòdonye yo antanke Antreprenè,

dwe gen Etik, Moral ak Responsablite nan travay y ap fè a pou pèmèt yo evolye pi byen.

Pou sa, Jessica Gourdet de Leve Project,

depi peyi Etazini,

aksepte vin mete ekspètiz li a dispozisyon Atizan yo pou yo ka pi byen evolye.

INIKK, paske malgre tou, nou dwe kontinye travay pou kreye LESPWA.

The Leve Project had the opportunity to present a virtual lesson on the foundations of Business Ethics to a group of budding group of young entrepreneurs attending the INIKK tour in Cap Haitien. Thank you INIKK!

The Leve Project

A nonprofit 501c3 organization dedicated to providing access to basic education and business literacy to students in Haiti.

L’ecole Daniel Petite - Frere 2021-2022